CodeLab Help

How to use CodeLab to create Paint.NET plugins

CodeLab is a Paint.NET "effect" that allows you to write code that is compiled on the fly and is then executed in the Paint.NET effect engine on your current selection. With CodeLab you can implement almost any type of effect you want if you have the programming and mathematical talent to do so. This plugin works by presenting you with a code editor that you can use to type in C# code that is then compiled and executed (rendered) as soon as you stop typing. Once you are happy with your effect, you can save it as a DLL file and share that with your friends!

Designing and Developing Effects

Tutorials: Using CodeLab to Write a Paint.NET Plugin

Using the Editor

Using the Code Editor
Designing a User Interface for Your Effect
Building a DLL File

Supported Fonts

You may choose between Consolas, Courier New, and Verdana fonts to view your code. These fonts are built-in to Windows. If they are not available, you may need to download them.

Or, you may download and install these popular programming fonts from the following web sites:

- Envy Code R
- Hack

The following fonts support Programming Ligatures: (Showing ≤ instead of <= etc.)

- Cascadia Code
- Fira Code
- JetBrains Mono ← This is the one I use.

You can choose your font from the User Interface section of the Settings ⚙️ screen.

More Information

Here is some more information that you may find useful:
Main CodeLab Page (Download)
History of CodeLab
Learn C#




CodeLab 6.13 Released
(November 17, 2024)
This latest release of CodeLab for Paint.NET includes the ability to write GPU accelerated plugins.

Double-Six Dominoes 3.1
(May 10, 2021)
This long-awaited refresh of the most popular dominoes game on is now available!

HTML Editor 1.5 Released
(March 31, 2016)
This latest release is a complete rewrite adding a wysiwyg editor mode and a much improved UI.